How to remote into mac server from windows
How to remote into mac server from windows

how to remote into mac server from windows how to remote into mac server from windows

There is however some justifiable argument RDP is better. Most people go the VNC route because it is both built-in to OS X as Screen Sharing, and much cheaper. If you want the best VNC type solution then Remotix is the only one that fully supports the quirks Apple have added to their implementation in that it can connect to Screen Sharing without having to enable VNC mode. Based on Windows Server 2003 codebase, Windows Home Server is intended to be a solution for homes with multiple connected PCs which offers file sharing, automated backups, and remote access.

How to remote into mac server from windows software#

Of these I think this one is closet to your needs Both companies main focus is to provide software to make a Mac in to a Mac Terminal Server however as you probably know Microsoft Terminal Server and RDP use the same protocol. Windows Home Server is one of the most under rated product of Microsoft which has got great potential for homes with multiple-connected computers. The information I have found so far all seems to suggest VNC as the only option, but wile watching a video. Im considering treating myself to a Mac Mini (8Gb, 1TB) and was wondering if there is any way to remote desktop from my Windows machine to the Mac. There are only two companies offering RDP compatible solutions for the Mac, these are AquaConnect, and CodeRebel. I am a long time Windows user (15+ years), but I have never owned a Mac (I know, I know). Those based on their own individual proprietary system - such as Team Viewer, LogMeIn, RescueMe, etc.Those based on VNC - which includes Apple's own Screen Sharing.Remote control software falls in to three categories.

How to remote into mac server from windows